Thursday, March 29, 2012


Last month (I know I'm really late posting this!), Matt had a week off of school for mid-Winter break. I also had the week off of work, so we had an AMAZING week spending time together as a family!

We actually had a very low key, and much needed week spent playing with Daddy, going to the mall, snuggling, family dinners in and out, trips to the YMCA, Starbucks dates and a fun day at the Seattle Aquarium.

Here are a few pictures of our time at the Aquarium...

Looking at all the fish with Daddy!

Matthew loved all of the tides pools that he could touch and explore!

Look at those curls!

Matthew is at SUCH a busy age. He wants to run around and explore the world....he wasn't too thrilled when Daddy tried to carry him!

I don't think I can say enough how much I.LOVE.MY.FAMILY!

30 weeks pregnant in the picture...trying to soak up every moment I have with my boys before our baby girl arrives!

All tuckered out after a big day of exploring and adventure with Daddy and Mommy!
Matthew has a light up fish aquarium at home. Since we've gone to the Aquarium, we can ask him where his fish are, and he will walk over and point to the fish! He can also point out a fish in his books at home. I can't believe how quickly he is growing up, and I'm amazed daily at how much he is learning!

We had such a fun day as a family, and an even better week having Daddy at home with us!

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