Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Miles 6 months

 Miles Patrick you are 6 months old!

What have you been up to these past couple of months??

As of 5 months old....

You are wearing 3 month clothes, and a couple 6 month sleepers.

You still wear size 1 diapers.

You still love to eat food and enjoy trying new flavors and foods. You eat vigorously and want your food as fast as possible! I make all of your baby food homemade.

You are losing your hair. Every day it seems to be getting thinner and thinner. I'm so sad!!

You found your feet. You love to lay on the ground and play with your toes.

Tummy time seems to be improving and you are tolerating it more and more.

You aren't rolling over yet.

You are so alert. You have big, brown eyes. You love to look all around.

You played in the exersaucer for the first time. You spent about 10 minutes in it, before you couldn't hold your head up any longer.

You still love your paci. You pull it out a lot and can't put it back in by yourself. 

You love to be held. 

You still sleep swaddled, in our room, through the night! Why change a good thing right now?!?

Your Sissy is absolutely smitten with you. Her obsession with you grows each day. You are like her little baby doll. I think she sometimes she forgets that I am actually your Mommy and not her. Mollie loves to change your diapers, even poopy ones! She dresses you, gets you in and out of your car seat, gives you your paci. Sometimes it's a little too much, but what a blessing you have in your Sissy!

You love to take baths and showers.

You are starting to find your voice and beginning to make lots of little, sweet noises!

As of 6 months old....

Weight: 13 pounds 5 ounces (less than 1st percentile)
Height: 24 inches (less then 1st percentile)
Head circumference: 17.3 inches (68th percentile)

Clearly introducing solid foods and increased dosing of your anti-relux medication hasn't helped you pack on the pounds. Your doctor wants to try taking you off of Zantac and see how your body responds. We are also going to increase the amount of food and fat we give you. We will go back for a weight check in 6 weeks to see if we can fatten you up!

At the end of 6 months, your reflux all of a sudden seemed to improve. You spit up SO much less! Nothing really changed. You had been off your reflux meds for almost a month already, but its like your body just kicked in and started digesting your milk much better. You still spit up a little here and there, but much improved. Hopefully the scale will start reflecting this!

You are wearing mostly 6 month clothes, even moving into some 9 month sleepers.

You wear size 2 diapers.

You hair is very thin all over. It seems like its now starting to grow back in. It is much darker then your brothers and sister!

You are rolling over from your tummy to your back! You do this almost immediately every time we put you on your tummy.

You love to sit in the exersaucer and the bumbo. 

You still sleep in our room. You sleep from 7:30pm-6:00am. I have noticed that lately I've been having to get up a couple of times per night to put the binkie back in for you. Let's not start a pattern, shall we?? Your naps are infrequent during the day. 

You spent every Monday and Wednesday morning with Banna while we take Matthew to preschool. What a special time you get with her!

You like to suck on your toes. 

You are a smiley and giggly little boy! You light up for all your siblings. 

Miles Patrick, you are the perfect cap for our family. We love you so much little man!

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