Lately I have had NO motivation to get my blogging done! I seem to always fill my little free time that I do have with other things besides getting a post finished! So this post is a snapshot of our month of December, and the time we spent together making memories as a growing family!
I love holiday traditions! Every year, on the first Saturday in December, all of Matt's family, cousins and his Aunt's & Uncle's head out first thing in the morning to Farmer Brown's tree farm to find the perfect Christmas tree! It was absolutely freezing outside, so we tried to find the best tree we could, as fast as possible!
Uncle Matt, Matthew, Caleb & Landon trying to find the perfect tree!
We finally found it! Daddy cut it down, we strapped it to the top of our Explorer, and we went to go have hot chocolate and stand around a warm fire!
After you cut down your tree, you have to drive down a gravel path, where you get to the main parking lot to have cocoa and a fire. So instead of buckling Matthew back into his carseat, we let him sit with us. Actually, he wanted nothing to do with me, but was fascinated with Daddy driving. I think this picture is hilarious! We seriously were driving maybe 5-10 mph...I promise...even though the picture looks as if Matthew is zooming down the road at 60!
One of the blessings of Matt being a teacher is Winter break! We had Daddy home for over 2 weeks! I have so much flexibility with my job as well, that I only had to work 2 nights during that time! We cherished all the fun memories and relaxing days we got to spend together as a family!
One afternoon we ate lunch at The Cabbage Patch resturant in downtown Snohomish. It was delicious!
Matthew LOVED spending every day with his Daddy.
Matthew LOVED spending every day with his Daddy.
I don't think I heard another word come from Matthew's mouth besides "Dada!"
I love to see how much Matthew loves his Daddy, and what a good Daddy Matt is to his baby boy!
We spent lazy days at home....
and did alot of Christmas shopping together!
Matthew loved his Christmas tree! He liked to look at it, and play with a few of the ornaments, but we never had a problem with him getting into the tree too much! We were plesantly surprised, considering what a busy boy he is!
Baby's First Christmas!
Fascinated with Christmas lights!
Matthew and Daddy doing dishes one morning...Matthew thought he was being a big helper!
Christmas was so special this year! Not only did we get to celebrate Matthew's first Christmas, we also found out on Christmas Eve that we are expecting a BABY GIRL, due May 1st! We couldn't be more thrilled, and are in awe of the way that God has blessed our family in unexpected ways!
We had our anatomy ultrasound the beginning of December, but instead of finding out what we were having at our appointment, we had the tech write down the gender, and seal it in an envelope! We then began the daunting task of leaving the envelope unopened on our bookshelf for almost 3 weeks! The first couple of days were kind of agonizing, but we got so busy with the Christmas season that time seemed to fly!
On December 21st, we headed to Nordstrom and picked out matching baby boy and baby girl outfits. We left the sweet lady at Nordstrom with both outfits, our credit card, and the sealed envelope! We finished up our Christmas shopping, while they opened the envelope, and wrapped the outfit that matched the gender of baby we were having! We were so excited for Christmas Eve to arrive to find out if Matthew is going to have a baby brother or sister!
We were so excited to open the gift on Christmas Eve morning and find a PINK outfit! It's a GIRL!!
After we found out that Matthew is going to have a little sister, Daddy read the Christmas story from the bible! We then headed over to my parents house for Christmas Eve day, and to share our exciting news
with them! Grammy and Grandpa were thrilled! We made them open the gift too!
Could this kid get any cuter??
All of the Engel family & cousins came over to my parents house to celebrate Christmas!
We had an amazing cookie bar/exchange!!
We had an amazing cookie bar/exchange!!
Christmas Eve night, we always go over to Matt's parents house to celebrate Christmas with his brothers and sisters! We started the night off by having Grandma Sherry open the gift to find out she was having another Granddaughter! After having so many boys around, Grandma and Papa were very excited to find out it was a girl! Amy, my sister in law, and one of my very best friends, is also having a girl! We are due within days of eachother! I'm so excited to be able to share this special time with her and our baby girls!!!
We ate our traditional and very yummy dinner of grilled ham and cheese sandwhiches, and then opened presents! Matthew loves his new bus...he especially likes to dance to the music that it plays!
I love this picture of Joshua! He couldn't figure out why someone would pull his pants up so high! Ha!
On Christmas morning, my parents, Bami, and Aunt Susan & Uncle Bruce came over for breakfast.
Matthew also got to open up his stocking. He was excited to see what "Santa" brought him!
After breakfast, we got all dressed up and went to church! It was different getting dressed up and going to church on Christmas day, but what a better way to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, then starting the morning worshipping Him, and reflecting on the true meaning of Christmas!!
After church, we came back to Grammy and Grandpa's house to open presents!
Matthew absolutely LOVED his car from Grammy and Grandpa! Such a spoiled loved little boy!
Matthew was playing Peek-a-boo with the wrapping paper!
Christmas evening we went over to Matt's aunt's house and continued the celebration with his family....but I forgot to take any pictures! We had such a wonderful Christmas, rejoicing in birth of Christ, spending time with family, enjoying yummy food, and celebrating Matthew's first Christmas!
Later that week, we went bowling with my parents!
Matthew & Grandpa
Matthew's first trip to the bowling alley!
Matt & I celebrated our 4 year wedding anniversary on December 29th. I am so blessed to be married to my best friend, a man who loves the Lord and his family with his whole heart! Matthew had a sleepover with his Grandpa & Grammy while we enjoyed a night of shopping, a movie, & dinner at our favorite...Cheesecake Factory!! Of course we had our all time favorite appetizer, Avacado Eggrolls....delicious! We also loved sleeping in, having a quiet morning together, and a white chocolate mocha from Starbucks!
On New Years Eve, we had some friends and family over to our house to celebrate 2011, and ring in 2012!
Matthew was asleep long before midnight, so he officially slept through his first New Years!
We celebrated New Years with the kids, East coast style at 9:00pm so they could go to bed!
Kissing Mom at "Midnight"

This was the look I got when I asked Joshua to smile!
Happy New Year!
What a cute little guy you have! And congrats on number 2! Now you'll have one of each; how exciting and exhausting at the same time! :)