We capped off our summer of adventures by taking our first hike as a family! Matt and I hardly ever go for hikes, so we were really excited to try this new experience. We went hiking on a beautiful sunny day at Wallace Falls! Here are some pictures from our day at the falls:
Baby and Daddy all ready to go!
Matthew fell asleep about 20 minutes into our hike, and slept until we were ready to eat lunch!
Such a beautiful hike! We were continuously amazed by God's creation!
Love spending time with my family!
Picnic lunch at the top of the falls!
Matthew absolutely LOVES Lexi. Problem is that those feelings aren't reciprocated. Lexi will do just about anything these days to avoid Matthew, but we had to sneak in a few pictures to remind them that one day they will be best of friends...fingers crossed at least.

After we ate lunch, we got Matthew back into the backpack, and decided to take a picture of him all strapped in and ready for the hike back down. Seriously about 30 seconds after taking this picture, I stood up and my leg brushed the side of the backpack. Matt and I weren't paying attention to the fact that it was sitting on a really uneven, bumpy surface. Next thing we know, Matthew is tumbling over in the backpack...head first!. Matt and I both watched it happen, and it seemed like it took place in slow motion, but we couldn't do anything to stop it. Baby starts screaming...actually it started off as the "silent cry"...You know the one, where they are crying so hard, they don't breath?? Yeah, it was that kind of cry. I got him out of the backpack as quickly as I could, and was sitting there holding him and lo and behold, I start to cry! ha! I mean, the first time your baby falls is pretty traumatic! Matthew ended up being just fine. He did get a few scratches on his head, a nice little bump to prove it, and lots of hugs and kisses from Daddy and Mommy!
My husband has since named Wallace Falls....Matthew Falls. I didn't think it was very funny at first....
Lexi LOVED the hike!
The hike is 5.5 miles. There are some parts that are pretty steep, and a really good workout! Our legs...okay especially my legs, were weak and wobbly afterwards, but the hike was so worth it, and something we look forward to doing again as a family!
Beautiful and fun pictures. I enjoyed reading about your special day. I love the pictures of Matthew with Lexi. We took that hike some time ago and I am sure you will enjoy "Matthew Falls" again some time.