Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Mollie Lynn 3 years old

Mollie Lynn you are THREE years old!

My sweet, precious daughter, I can hardly wrap my mind around the fact that you are three years old!

You wear size 3t clothes.

Sleeps about 11 hours at night and usually take a 2-3 hour nap. Some days you go without naps, but you are absolutely exhausted by bedtime. You are such a noisy little girl when you go to sleep. You share a room with your bro bro so going to sleep at night always involves lots of giggles and silly conversations. You nap in Daddy and Mommy's bed and most days you can be heard singing songs on the top of your lungs before deciding to go to sleep. You sleep with your purple blanket and your "new baby".

You are such a talker and have such a big personality when we are at home or you are around people that you are really comfortable with. You are quarkey, goofy and always making us laugh. You can be stubborn and somehow you feel the need to throw something when you are mad. However, you are so quiet and shy at church or around new people. You are more of an independent little girl. You enjoy playing by yourself and like to stick pretty close to Daddy and Mommy.

You LOVE to color. You like to draw pictures for other people. You amaze me at how well you color inside the lines. You love to draw circles and have recently learned how to write your name! You love to learn and know about 1/2 of your letters and sounds.

You have mastered your stridere bike. You love to cruise up and down the neighborhood and sometimes Mommy thinks that you get a little too brave cruising down hills. This summer you will learn how to ride a 2 wheeled bike.

You love dairy. Your favorite foods are milk, cheese and yogurt. You would live off of milk if you could. You also love Daddy's protein shakes, lemonade, and crackers.

Your favorite TV show is Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, although you rarely sit through an entire show. Your favorite songs are "Jesus Loves the little children", "Old McDonald", and "Wheels on the bus".

You love spotting motorcycles and buses while we are in the car.

You want to be a princess when you grow up.

You have beautiful curly hair with natural highlights in it! I'm quite envious. You think that Gabby does your hair the best. You are quite opinionated about your hair and like to either wear a clip, have a small braid or a big ponytail. You just recently started wearing headbands too! When we brush your hair, you tell us that we are getting the rats out of your hair. We got your hair trimmed for the first time on your birthday. You did such a good job and now your hair is all one length.

You are a total daddy's girl. You sit with him, rub his beard, follow him around and love all over him. It's adorable.

You completely dress yourself and are proving to be very opinionated about your clothes. Your favorite outfit is either a long sleeve shirt, jeggings and tennis shoes or shorts, a short sleeve shirt and flop flops. You do not like tunics, flowy shirts or dresses. Sunday mornings are a bit of a battle, because it's the one day of the week where I pick out your clothes, and I make you wear a dress or a skirt to church. Once you give in and let Mommy win, you are fine wearing it for the morning but always ask if you can change your clothes once you get home.

You are our little helper around the house. You have quite the servants heart already! You love to help make daddy's lunch every morning before he leaves for work, reminding him each day not to forget his lunch. You love to help me fold laundry, put clothes in the washer and dryer, hang clothes in the closet, load and unload the dishwasher. Whenever I am cooking or baking, you are always sitting on the counter helping out and tasting whatever is in the works. You love to crack the eggs and have me open them, or get a lick of something yummy!

You also love to be outside. There are lots of boys in the neighborhood and you reign them all in, put them in your place and fit right in. You love to speed around in Matthew's jeep, blow bubbles, ride bikes and play with chalk. You also love to help pull weeds, rake or help daddy with a project outside. You always help pull the garbage cans in and out.

You buckle yourself in your car seat.

You are Matthew's little side kick. You two are each other's best buds. Always playing. Always giggling. Sometimes fighting, hitting and screaming. You keep us busy!

You absolutely adore your little bro Mason. You are always getting him a toy to play with, wanting to give him his bottle, help me wipe his bum, feed him or pour his food on his tray for me. You love to pick his boogers, which Mase absolutely hates! You are always doing something silly to try to make him giggle and sometimes are just a little too rough with him. You are such a good big sissy!

You are going to be a big Sissy again and will be having a new little brother the end of summer! I have no doubt you'll absolutely thrive being the only sister amongst 3 brothers. Daddy and I secretly know you'll be the princess of the family and laugh when think about the first boy you ever bring home to meet your Daddy and brothers!

Happy 3rd birthday Mollie Lynn. God knew exactly what He was doing when He blessed our family with you!




Thursday, June 11, 2015

Mason 10 months

Mason Alan you are 10 months old!

What have you been up to this past month??

You had a pretty rough month of teething. You got your first 4 teeth all at once! Your top 2 and bottom 2 teeth came in at the same time. You have had the hardest time teething out of your Bro bro and Sissy. Tylenol, chew toys, lots of snuggles, drooling, fussing and middle of the night wake ups finally resulted in a happy little boy with a cute toothy smile!

Right about 10 months you started to experience separation anxiety. You do not like when Mommy or Daddy leaves the room. You cried so much at the YMCA they had to come get me, and then twice in one week I had to be paged out of church because you were so upset in the church nursery! I'm hoping this phase passes quickly!

You still aren't moving anywhere. But I think you are getting close. You seem to be getting more frustrated lately that you aren't moving around. Maybe that will give you the motivation to put it all together and be on the go! You can push backwards a little when you are on your tummy. You twist around and can move side to side. You LOVE to stand. Your balance seems to be improving, but I can't leave you standing alone. You love to stand on the couch and look out the window, or at the coffee table and grab at everything you aren't supposed to touch!

When we sing "if you're happy and you know it, clap your hands", you actually start clapping your hands. It's pretty adorable!

You sign "thank you" by putting your fist to your mouth. You sign "all done" by flapping your hands to the side, and you can sign "more".

You love to wave hi and bye!

You give high fives.

You love your Daddy. We are right in the middle or baseball season, so we don't see daddy as much, but you absolutely light up when you do see him. When you get excited you open and close your hands and pump your legs. You love to grab at daddy's face and beard. Whe I talk to him on the phone and tell you that I'm talking to da-da, you repeatedly say "da-da"! We try to go to as many of Daddy's baseball games as we can. You are such an easy little boy to take out and about. You love to watch all the action and people at his games and if you get fussy I just put you in your stroller, feed you or give you a toy or bottle!

You are obsessed with balls. They are your favorite toy. Your whole body tenses up and you flap your arms when you see a ball. You love for someone to play toss with you.

You also love to play with an empty water bottle.

Mason Alan you are pure joy and such a little blessing to our family. You are so loved and I can hardly believe how fast you have grown!