Mollie Lynn 21 & 22 months old
What have you been up to these past couple of months?
You still wear size 4 diapers. Your clothes are anywhere from 18 months-2T.
Your hair is really starting to grow, especially in the back. You have such beautiful curls! I put your hair in your first ponytail. It didn't stay for long, but it still counts, right??
If you are hungry, you will eat just about anything. You are my dairy girl and would live off of milk, cheese, yogurt and ice cream!
You have the sweetest, happiest, silliest and most endearing personality most of the time. But, oh my goodness when you get upset, you go from 0-100 (like you would even as a baby!), screaming and yelling "NNNOOOOO!" You are most certainly testing our parenting!
You love to hold our hand and hop down the stairs "yike a froggy!"
You love going into the church nursery and playing with all of your friends. You are starting to look really old in there though!
You still love looking at and reading books. You will go up to your room and pull a bunch of books out onto the floor and look at book after book by yourself.
Your favorite songs are Zacchaus, Wheels on the Bus, and ABC's.
You will ask for song after song when we tuck you into bed at night.
You are starting to really take an interest in playing with your baby dolls. I love this!
You celebrated your second Christmas! You loved spending time with all of our family, but really had no idea what was going on. You loved opening your presents, but a minute later you'd get up and walk into the other room to explore something new! Gabby and Grandpa bought you and bro bro a bouncy house for Christmas. You absolutely love to bounce in it!
We've had a couple days of snow and also spent a couple of days over in Leavenworth playing in the snow. Let's just say you like to play in the snow for a few minutes, and maybe go on one sled ride, but then you'd prefer to sit on someone's lap or warm up inside with some hot chocolate.
You are proving to be every independent and have a mind of your own. You don't like to be told what to do, but then again I don't know what toddler really does!
You are a morning girl, waking up happy and ready to play almost every day. (such a nice reprieve to your brother some mornings!)
Mollie Lynn, I cannt believe how fast time has flown by! You are almost 2 years old. We love you so much Sissy and treasure every day we have with you. You are a beautiful little girl and I love watching how God is changing and growing you each day.