Friday, August 31, 2012

Mollie, 4 months

Mollie Lynn you are FOUR months old!

What have you been up to these days?
You weigh 13 pounds 8 ounces (50th percentile)
 You are 25 3/4 inches (75th percentile)
Your head is 16.5 inches (76th percentile)
You are my long and lean princess!
You are still bald with only a little peach almost always have a headband on!
 You still wear size 2 diapers. You wear 3-6 month clothes, and 6 month tops and jumpers.
You nurse every 3-4 hours during the day. You take 3, sometimes 4 naps during the day, and always take a long 3 hour nap in the afternoon. I am so thankful that both you and your brother are good sleepers, and take your afternoon nap at the same time. I try my best to be productive during that time!
You sleep at night from 9:00-6:30 or 7:00.We have been able to move your bedtime earlier and earlier each week. You still sleep swaddled. As soon as we bundle you for bed and give you your binkie, your eyes get so heavy and tired. You still sleep with your eyes partly open...
You went on your first trip on an airplane. We had such a wonderful vacation to Colorado to meet your Uncle Adam and Aunt Willow for the first time. You were an absolute dream baby on the airplane, sleeping almost the entire ride. Thankfully, Grammy, Grandpa and Bami were on the airplane to take care of you, so that we can tackle your busy big brother!
You have most certainly found your voice this month. You love to squeal, yell and make lots of noise! You are still very ticklish, and are always giving us the best belly laughs! You love for people to talk to you, and are quite the little ham.

You are drooling and blowing bubbles all the time. I think you are teething.
You are such a smiley baby. Sometimes your smiles are so big that it doesn't even look like you are smiling, but rather opening up your mouth like you are trying to eat us! Your whole face lights up when you smile.
You rolled over from your back to your stomach. You have only done it a couple of times, but no more leaving you on the couch alone! When you are on the ground, you will curl your legs up and roll back and forth from side to side.
You LOVE to play on your activity mat! You kick your legs and grab at the toys, bringing them to your mouth. You are moving your hands so purposefully. I'm amazed at how much you move and turn just by kicking your legs. You are a strong little girl!
You sat in the Bumbo for the first time! After about 10 minutes, your head got too heavy and you were done! You still like to bounce in your jumperoo.
You do not like to get into your car seat. You cry almost the minute we start to buckle you up. You usually calm down fairly quickly, but sometimes you put up quite a stink while riding the car.
You love your binkie, especially when you are tired or fussy. Matthew likes to take your binkie from you, and then will try to stuff it in your face give it back to you when you cry.
Matthew loves to give you hugs and kisses, and is always saying "hi" to his sissy!

You love to play with your sweet friend Autumn.
You got 2 shots at your four month doctors appointment. You cried when you got the shots, but calmed down really quickly. Later that evening, you were very fussy and irritable. Your legs were hurting from your shots, and you also had a 101.7 fever! Poor little girl. You ended up having a very rough nights sleep, and spent the night downstairs on the couch with Mommy. Your fever finally broke in the morning and our sweet, happy girl was back!
Your umbilical hernia resolved, and is now completely gone!
You love to take baths, especially with your big brother! You are starting to kick and splash when you are in the tub.
Matthew loves to play peek-a-boo with you.
We had so many adventures and trips to the park this summer. You are the easiest baby to take places, and love to go for walks in your stroller.
Mollie Lynn, what a joy you are to our family!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Matthew 17 & 18 months

Matthew Jay 17 & 18 months!

What have you been up to these past couple of months?

Matthew Jay, you are such a busy, busy, busy toddler, full of personality, and the absolute light of my world (along with your little sissy, and Daddy too!)

You weigh 25 pounds. You are still a long and lean little guy

You sleep 12-13 hours at night and take 1, three hour nap during the day. You absolutely love your crib and going "nigh-nigh." Daddy usually puts you to bed at night. If  Mollie is happy, then we will all join you for your routine of snuggles in bed with songs, giggles, and prayer. You like to sleep with 2 binkies. After we put you in bed, Daddy says "nigh-nigh" to you. You say "nigh-nigh" back to him. You guys do this about 15 times before we leave your room!

You love to sing songs. Some of your favorites are "Pop goes the wheezel", (you like to say POP!), "Baby bumble bee" (You like to shout when the bee stings!), "Happy you know it" (you love to stomp your feet and shout amen!), "Jesus loves me" and "Hot Dog Song".

You would play outside all day long if we let you. We spent many days outside this summer, with trips to the park and splash pad. We also spent lots of time playing in our backyard. You love to swing. You learned how to climb up the slide in our backyard, but you usually slide down on your tummy, unless Mommy or Daddy is holding your hand. You also love to play in your sandbox...usually it ends up in your mouth and hair!

You used to be very cautious and scared when climbing on a playset. You always wanted someone to help you, and if you were by yourself you would just scoot your feet and take baby steps, or crawl. Thankfully you have conquered that fear this summer and now you are much more brave when climbing on the play toys. We've spent a lot of time this summer playing at Willis Tucker Park. Your favorite toys are the airplane bouncer and the swing.

You love to eat dirt while playing in the backyard, despite what Mom & Dad say. You are all boy!

At 17 months, you had quite the little temper on you! When you got mad, you would throw a toy, book, or whatever you could get your firely little hands on. You were also starting to hit us if we told you "no". You didn't like learning that you weren't the one in control, but thankfully this stopped at about 17.5 months, and since then you have been doing so much better! You also don't gag yourself anymore...thank goodness!

You are talking all the time! You will repeat any word that we say, and you also say a ton of words by yourself.

We are trying to teach you good manners. You are very good at saying "peese" (please), "yepeese" (yes, please), and "tankohh" (thank you). How can you say no to such a sweet little boy??

You love the "momower" (lawnmower). You love to help Daddy and Grandpa mow the lawn.

One of your very favorite things to do is to play in the car. You climb from the backseat to the front about a million times, playing with all the buckles and gadgets. If you honk the horn, you get scared and start to cry, saying "bye-bye beep beep!"

In late July, Daddy went away to Teen Camp for a week. I left for camp on Wednesday and was gone for 3 nights. We spent the first few days together over at Grammy and Grandpa's house. After I left, you spent the rest of the week having slumber parties with Grammy,Grandpa and Mollie. You had such a fun week with Grammy and Grandpa, but I think they were exhausted after you and Sissy left!

You love to play ring around the rosie. We practically have to hold you up the whole time, because you are always trying to fall down.

In the beginning of August, we took a trip to Colorado to visit Uncle Adam and Aunt Willow. It was your 4th airplane ride, and the first time on a plane since you have been mobile. You actually did pretty well, with only a couple minor meltdowns. You would not sleep at all, despite being tired, so we spent our time with lots of activities to keep you busy and yummy snacks!

You come and tell us that you went "poop" after you have done the deed. Potty training soon?

You love airplanes right now. When you hear an airplane you immediately try to find it in the sky. When you spot it, you point at it and yell "Airpane!"

You love playing in water of any sorts. The splash pad, hose, water table, pool, bathtub, long as it's wet, you are game! After bathtime, you love to walk around the house with a "towe" (towel) over your head.

You learned how to push a bike!

If we aren't looking, you like to pull toilet paper off the roll. When we find you playing in the toilet paper, you say "Uh-Oh!".  Little stinker!

You are learning how to walk down stairs, and jump down a step. You like to play with shoes, and are learning how to put your Crocs on by yourself.

Your favorite foods are waffles (if we ask you what you want to eat, you ALWAYS say "waffle!"), oatmeal, pasta, mac and cheese, frozen blueberries, frozen peas, string cheese, "fishies" (Goldfish) and of course your beloved "ba-ba" (bottle).

You love to play the game where we pretend to sleep. You hit our tummy to wake us up, and giggle like crazy. After we wake up, you say "peese" (please), wanting us to do it again...and again...

When something is off limits or you aren't supposed to touch it, we have taught you that it is "hot" You now call the fan, bbq, oven, coffee cup, warm food etc "Hot!"

You love to play with keys. One of your favorite things to do over at Grammy and Grandpa's house is to go get the mail with Grandpa. You squeal with delight when Grandpa asks if you want to get the mail. You know exactly where he keeps the mail key. You also like to play with Grandpa's boat key. You are always pointing out a set of "keeeys" when you see them. You are quite a Grandpa's boy right now. You call Grandpa "bumpa". Grammy has been working with you to say "Grammy" since way before you could talk. However, you still don't say "Grammy". You call her something different all the time, usually something like "Dub Dub". Ha!

Your favorite TV shows are The Wiggles, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, and Jake & the Neverland Pirates.

When we pull into our neightborhood, we ask you where we are and you say "Home"

You are starting to learn your ABC's (you can sing a few of the notes), and how to count to 5 (we say one, you say two & three, we say four & you say five!)

You absolutely love your "yexi" (Lexi) dog. She is learning to tolerate you. You love to give her hugs with your head and nice pats.

You learned how to say "Matt" and "Cammie", I can't believe how clearly you say our names. Thankfully, I don't think you really know that they are our names. When I ask you my name, you always say "Mommy". When I ask you where Cammie is, you  say "bye-bye". When I call for Matt from the other room or something, you will yell "Matt!" too.

You are always trying to figure out how things work. You have figured out how to unbuckle one of the straps while in your carseat....not flying with us though!

You give hugs with your head

You were sick with some sort of virus right before you turned 18 months. Fever, throwing up, downright feeling crummy. It lasted for about 24 hours. You wanted Daddy to cuddle with you and watch cartoons...he was happy to oblidge!

Matthew Jay, words cannot even begin to describe how much joy and laughter you bring to our lives.
We love you soooo much!

Mollie 3 months

Mollie Lynn you are THREE months old!

What have you been up to these days?
You are wearing 3 or 3-6 month clothes, sleepers and jumpers.
You wear size two diapers.
You are such a long and lean baby girl, just like your big brother!
You nurse about every three hours during the day. You don't spit up as much clothes thank you!.
You are such a good sleeper! You sleep from 10:00 pm until 6:30 or 7 am. You wake up so happy in the morning, greeting us with smiles and coos. You still sleep bundled.
You take 4 naps a day. Once you wake up in the morning, you are awake for about 2 hours. You then nap for about an hour. At about noon, both you are your brother go down for a 3 hour nap! I love my time with my babies, but I time! You take another nap in the early evening, and another one at about 8, each for 45 minutes or so.

You love bath time. Matthew especially loves it when you two take them together!

You LOVE your swing. You take most of your shorter naps during the day in your swing (don't's easy and convient!). You take your long afternoon nap and sleep at night in your crib.
You are such a strong and sturdy little girl. You love to stand and push up with your legs. You hold your head up so well, and purposefully look around the room, taking in this big world!

You still have beautiful blue eyes! Crazy that both my babies have blue eyes!
You sat in your Jumperoo and Exersaucer for the first time. You lasted for about 10 minutes before your neck started to get tired.
You are such a smiley baby! You coo and love to talk to us when you are fed, rested and content!
You have found your hands, and always have fingers or your entire fist in your mouth!
You like your tummy time, but lots of times when we put you on your stomach, you just lay your head down and fall asleep. You still only roll from your stomach to your back, but only on occasion or when you are really frustrated. When you lay on your back, you will turn to the left, and look like you want to roll over.
Daddy was home all summer long! You went on a lot of adventures with Mommy, Daddy and Matthew, but you slept in your carseat during most of our outings!
Mommy and Daddy went to the American Idol concert, and spent our first night away from you! You spent the night at Grammy and Grandpa's house. Thankfully, you take a bottle really well.\
You have let out a few squeals and giggles when we tickle you. You are ticklish under your armpits and on your neck. I love to see your personality develop more and more each day!

We have been very blessed to have lots of friends and families who are having babies...especially girls! This is Mollie and her cousin Emalynn.
You are a very easy and content baby, but you go from 0-100 so quickly, and can be a little difficult to calm down if we aren't doing what you want! Your cry is absolutely pathetic, and I tell you that you are being a drama queen!
You love your binkie.
Mollie Lynn, your Daddy, brother and I love you so much, and thank God for such a sweet happy little girl!