Happy Easter!
Last year, we spent Matthew's first Easter in California on a baseball trip. This year, we were very excited to be able to introduce Matthew to some of our Easter traditions, celebrating with our families, and reflecting on our risen Savior!
Here are some highlights of our weekend (sorry for the picture overload!)
We celebrated Easter with my parents and Bami on Saturday morning. Matthew was greeted with some fun goodies from his Grammy and Grandpa. He loves to read his books and play with the balloon...we can't wait for the weather to finally get sunny so he can play with his bubble machine!
What a spoiled loved little boy he is!
Grandpa made a yummy breakfast of waffles, bacon and fruit
Afterwards, Matthew had his first Easter Egg Hunt. He did so great! I couldn't believe how quickly he got the concept of finding the eggs, picking them up, and putting them in his Easter basket. Of course he had to suck on most of the eggs first, since everything goes into his mouth these days, but what's a little extra dirt and grass, right?
Chasing after his Easter eggs!
Such a proud little boy.
Matthew thought the best part of the morning was when he realized there were jelly beans inside the eggs. Yummy!
Matthew loves his Grammy and Grandpa so much.
We are so thankful for EVERYTHING that they mean to us and do for us!
Our growing family!
I feel so blessed to be a mommy of (almost) 2, and to be married to such a wonderful man.
Matthew and Bami
Baby girl will be here very soon! We are still deciding on a name...hopefully she has one before I deliver.
I feel pretty miserable these days...lots of aches and pains (I guess having 2 babies in just over a year will do that to your body!) We can't wait to meet and snuggle our sweet baby!
I was supposed to work on Saturday night, but I got a call that evening asking if I wanted time off, because the hospital was overstaffed. Since I only work 7 days a month, my husband never lets me take time off, I usually don't take the time off, but this time was the exception! I got to enjoy an extra night at home with my hubby, and I wasn't miserable and exhausted on Sunday from working all night!
Easter morning Matthew woke to some goodies from the easter bunny, aka: mom and dad!
Matthew's favorite part was the few jelly beans he got to snack on at 8:00am!
After playing for awhile, we got dressed and went to church! Afterwards, we came home and Matthew took a nap before we headed over to Matt's aunts house for the afternoon to celebrate with his family, cousins, autns and uncles.
I can't believe how grown up Matthew seems these days. He has changed into a little boy so quickly!
Loving every moment with him!
Maybe I'm biased, but seriously, how adorable is this kid??
Matthew loves his cousins!
Love these boys!
Easter egg hunt at Aunt Linda's. There were about 17 kids....one big, growing family!
Matthew picked up about 5 eggs before he decided it was time to open them up and find the goodies inside!
Sharing some treats with Daddy
Matthew was busy playing, and wasn't too thrilled about having to pose for a picture with Papa and Grandma....oh the life of a 13 month old! We love you Papa and Grandma!
Blowing bubbles with Mommy
Showing Papa his bubble wand
Micah & Lyndie
Kevin & Amy
David & Michele
I absolutely love my sister-in-laws! So thankful they are not only family, but some of my very best friends.
Easter 2011. Can't believe how quickly time goes and how much a little boy changes!

Happy Easter from the Stevens family!